Thursday, May 14, 2009

DIY: Care and maintenance of your car’s transmission system

One of the hardest to maintain and detect when it comes to problems is your car’s transmission system. Fixing transmission problems could mean time consuming repairs as in most makes and models, it is embedded deep into the engine bay and that parts of the engine needs to be overhauled before you can access the clutch.

It is therefore important that you know how to care, maintain and diagnose problems early to avoid costly and timely repairs.

Provided you know what’s under the hood of your car- if it is on automatic clutch or stick shift, these are some of the parts you need to be introduced. The bell housing is a conical metallic cover housing the gears and axles. The gears are the ones that connect the engine to the wheels. Transmission fluid runs through the entire setup to lubricate and the oil filter ensures no damaging particles enter into the system.

Here are a few indicators that tell you of problems in your transmission system that require immediate attention. When you notice that your car’s engine will start and will run smoothly, but when put into the pedal, won’t budge at all. Or when your car will move all right, but in a slothful manner- When you step on the pedal it feels as if power is not thoroughly transferred to the wheels.

Here are the preliminary diagnostic tips you can follow so you’ll know what your problems will be.

1. Check the fluid level. Check gear oil level for you need to replace the fluid if it falls below the minimum indicator level. Loss of gear fluid could mean friction and damage to your transmission system.

2. Check the filter for clogs. Debris and build up could run through the gears after a period so it’s best you have your transmission fluid filter replaced first if you think there are transmission problems.

3. Check for leaks. If you notice spill marks on your driveway or garage on the spot where you usually park your car, then this could indicate that your transmission is leaking. Check in possible sources for leak such as: between the gearbox and the engine, the drain hole under it, the selector shaft connecting the stick shifter to the gearbox and the fluid filler tube base. If you spot a leak in any of these places, then you need to have the gearbox checked by a mechanic.

4. Check for sticky shifters. If you find it difficult to shift gears (manual transmission), or if the car is jerky whenever the automatic transmission shifts up or down, then it would be best to have your transmission checked as the problem could be because of the transmission oil.

5. Listen for grinding sounds. When you’re running at a normal speed but hear grinding sounds or if your car vibrates too much when starting from a stop, then it’s about time you have your transmission checked or repaired.

It is always better to maintain you car’s transmission system and diagnose it once you experience the problems above. This way you’ll pre-empt time consuming and very costly repairs.

Never drink and drive.